Is it necessary to enter the institution's registered office and bank details?
Yes, you need to fill in your institution's registered office and bank account in the ISVP. The registered office is a compulsory data when submitting the project proposal, the bank account can be entered only when the institution is financed, without filling in these data it will not be possible to generate contracts and disburse the special-purpose funds.
The seat and bank account can only be entered by an authorised person with the role "Applicant" under the "Personal settings" icon by selecting the "Entity detail" icon. Please enter the "Domestic Bank Connection" under the "Bank Connection" tab by filling in the "Account Number" and "Bank Code" and then save everything by clicking on the "Save" button. To fill in the organisation's registered office, please refer to the "Organisation address" tab. For more information, please refer to the manual "Filling in the address of the organisation" (in the "Documents" under the red "i" icon in the ISVP).