The AZV ČR Board is the executive and conceptual body of the AZV ČR, and has a maximum of 7 members including the Chair. In their function, a member of the Board is governed in particular by the Law, the National Policy on Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic, conceptual documents of the Ministry of Health Research, tender documentation, etc.
Members of the AZV ČR Board:

Prof. RNDr. Ondřej Slabý, Ph.D. (Chair)

prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Krška, DrSc. (Vice-Chair)

prof. MUDr. Milan Kolář, Ph.D.

prof. MUDr. Jan Bartoníček, DrSc.

prof. MUDr. Aleksi Šedo, DrSc., FCMA

prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, Ph.D.

prof. MUDr. Anna Šedivá, DSc.
The members of the Board are appointed and dismissed on the proposal of the professional community, the Ministry of Health, and the AZV Chair. The performance of the function of a member of the Board AZV is incompatible with the activity in the Panels, the Scientific Council, the Control Board and the KPN. The members' term of office is two years with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of two additional consecutive terms.
Members of the AZV Board may not apply for special purpose support as proposer or investigator during their term.
The AZV Board particularly:
a) Proposes the announcement and possible abolition of public tenders in health research, development and innovation (hereinafter referred to as "Public Tender");
b) Submits Tender Documentation for approval;
c) Consults the KPN on the acceptance or non-acceptance of project proposals for the Public Tender, if necessary;
d) Submits to the MoH proposals from the Scientific Council on the signing of contracts for the provision of subsidies or issuance of decisions to increase subsidy volume;
e) Coordinates the activities of the Panels, the Scientific Council, the Control Board and the KPN, the Council of Expert Guarantors and the Commissions, cooperates in the control of the fulfilment of the objectives of the projects and evaluates the results achieved, may expand project proposals for checks at the given research facility, which is submitted to the MoH Scientific Board;
f) Submits AZV budget proposals;
g) Submits for approval AZV Statue proposals and amendments thereto;
h) Approves AZV organizational rules, proposes for approval the Rules of Procedure of the Board and the Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Council, Panels, the Council of Expert Guarantors, Commissions, and the KPN in consultation with the MoH;
i) Submit to the MoH at least once a year information on the activities of the AZV, including information on individual tenders in research, development and innovation.