Is the outline of the "project description" (i.e. the technical part of the project in AJ) binding?

Is the outline of the "project description" (i.e. the technical part of the project as per the TD) binding?

  1. 1. Introduction – a summary of the current state of knowledge of the scientific issues in the given scientific field;
  2. 2. Preliminary/pilot data – pilot data supporting the project focus and hypothesis (d);
  3. 3. Statement of the nature of the Project and its relevance to the Programme; justification of the necessity and need to address a specific issue at a given time (i.e. the timeliness of the solution) and in a given scope; what is the originality/innovativeness of the research project;
  4. 4. Hypothesis and objectives of the Project;
  5. 5. Experimental design – a statistical justification of the size of the research population (exceptions may be projects aimed at research on rare and ultra-rare diseases), group definitions and statistically justified numbers of experimental animals, numbers of repetitions for preclinical testing, etc;
  6. 6. Methodology – The description of the methodological and methodological approaches and methods used to address the project and to achieve the intended outcome, their analysis, and the proposed statistical treatment;
  7. 7. Timetable – a clearly formulated schedule of the planned work and its scope in each year of the project; a Gantt chart is recommended;
  8. 8. Expected results – a factual description of the expected results of the project, including their intended practical purpose and the aim of their use in the health sector;
  9. 9. Cooperation – indicate if the project involves cooperation between several entities, How it will be implemented (model of future contract as an annex to the project proposal), including specification of their share and responsibilities. In case of foreign collaboration, a signed letter of support or letter of intent on the entity's letterhead should be provided, including the method and amount of funding; the project solution should not be predominantly based on contracted research or paid services delivered by partners outside the research team;
  10. 10. Information on the (personnel-wise and material-technical) readiness of the proposer, co-proposers and their departments, on the technological equipment of the departments to be used in the solution, on the possibility of collaborations; promotion of gender equality principles in the GEP, HR Award, etc.; assessment of the consistency between the professional focus of the proposal and the focus of the proposer/co-proposers' department;
  11. 11. Justification of the participation of all co-proposers and named collaborators, defining their contribution to the problem and specifying their role in achieving the expected results; information on the involvement of junior researchers;
  12. 12. Risk analysis – analysis of the risks that may occur during the project, their significance and impact, alternative solutions in case of failure to confirm the hypothesis, etc;
  13. 13. Brief description of the research data that will be used, collected or generated during the project and how it will be handled;
  14. 14. (n) A list of literature used.