What format can I use for attachments to a project proposal?

Mandatory and optional annexes are to be attached to the project proposal in PDF format only. The names of the attachment files must not contain diacritics or unauthorised characters (e.g. \ / : * ? " ). Attachments are only uploaded to the application. Only the project proposal created by the application, without attachments, is delivered via the data mailbox.

The annex "Project Description" - justification of the project proposal - is limited in the Tender documentation to a maximum of 10 A4 pages using standard font size 11 point and line spacing 1. The maximum size of the annex is 3 MB.

Annex "CV of the proposer and co-proposers" - is limited in the Tender documentation to a maximum of two A4 pages using standard font (or a maximum of two additional pages per co-proposer). Other team members may be included in the CV, but the length must always be limited to two pages per proposer and, where appropriate, two additional pages per co-proposer. The maximum attachment size is 1 MB.