1.3 Definition of terms - change according to the Commission Communication - Framework for State aid for research, development and innovation (new: According to the Framework, applied research means industrial research, experimental development or a combination thereof).

2.1 Competition and evaluation period, duration of the project (also 5.3 Project proposal) - this year the projects are only "4-year" or the duration of the projects in this public competition is 45 months (1 April 2016 - 31 December 2019).

2.3 Rules for determining the intensity and amount of aid - change according to the Commission Communication - Framework for State aid for research, development and innovation ("applied research" replaced by "industrial research", new categories of research: basic research, industrial research, experimental development).

3.2. Splitting the programme - clarification of the issue of projects related to clinical evaluation medicines and the impossibility of submitting projects aiming at creating a registry.

4.2 Requirements for the tenderer's eligibility and method of demonstrating eligibility - two new affidavits

- each applicant/co-applicant who is a legal entity shall submit an affidavit of the applicant/co-applicant to the project proposal as a grant application in accordance with Act
No. 218/2000 Coll., on budgetary rules and on amendments to certain related acts (budgetary rules), as amended - a sample of the affidavit is provided in Annex 3

- each applicant/co-applicant that is a research organisation shall provide an affidavit of eligibility for research organisations - a model affidavit is given in Annex 4

4.2 Eligibility requirements and method of proving eligibility - authorisation according to Act No. 227/2006 Coll. and specification for the document "experimental design" (also 9.6.2.)

- If the nature of the project requires it, the applicant shall attach an officially certified copy of a valid document/licence pursuant to Act No. 227/2006 Coll., on Research on Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Related Activities and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts, as amended.

5.1 Conditions of the tender - withdrawal from the tender and notification of this fact to the provider (by letter signed by the bidder's statutory representative sent to the provider's address).

5.2. General conditions for the submission of proposals - condition added: "where the beneficiary or other participant in the project acts as a research organisation, it shall use the targeted support only for the non-economic activities specified in point 19 of the Framework."

5.3 Project proposal:

- (4) Part A - basic identification data - key words in Czech and English must be separated by semicolons

- (5) Part A - project abstract and objectives - information on the codes characterizing the project classification according to the fields for IS R&DaI - CEP and the designation of the relevant sub-objective(s) of the Programme have been moved to this part in the application

- (6) Part B - Total funding - change to the tender documentation according to the current application setup - total eligible costs of the project from all funding sources are indicated

- (7) Part B - financial resources and breakdown of financial items - modification of the tender documentation according to the current application setup

- (8) In Part B - breakdown of financial items (personnel costs) - change to the tender documentation according to the current application setup - personnel costs from all funding sources are indicated

(16) Only the following documents may be annexed to the project proposal - newly, attaching a list of departments or assessors to whom it would not be appropriate to send the project proposal for assessment, including justification (previously only foreign), attaching a list of suitable foreign referees and, if necessary, attaching the original power of attorney, and specifying that an unsigned draft cooperation agreement between the applicant (beneficiary) and the proposed other participants is to be attached

5.4 Definition of earmarked cost items - extension to include costs that cannot be included in eligible costs: course fees and clinical insurance costs evaluation

5.4.1 Personnel costs - added a limit for the minimum amount of time per project per employer for the principal investigator/co-investigator of 0.2 and for the expert collaborator of 0.1 (failure to meet is a reason for exclusion), the definition of personnel costs was further clarified

5.4.3. Other operating costs - specification of the maximum amount of additional (overhead) costs (20% of the total eligible project costs requested from the MoH for all non-investment costs and expenses)

5.5 Cooperation between enterprises and research organisations - change in line with the Commission Communication - Framework for State aid for research, development and innovation

5.6. Incentive effect - change according to the Commission Communication - Framework for State aid for research, development and innovation (now only large enterprises must provide evidence for the project proposal)

9.8 Annex 8 - Distribution of evaluation panels according to their expertise - added panel content

9.9 Annex 9 - evaluation project proposal process in AZV - modified as required

9.12. Annex 12 - List of annexes to the project proposal - modified according to the addition (see also 4.2.)