EP PerMed Partnership: the 2nd multinational call for personalized medicine is about to be announced!
The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (PerMed): a partnership whose vision is to improve health outcomes in sustainable healthcare systems through research, development, innovation and deployment of personalised medicine approaches for the benefit of patients, citizens and society, will launch a second joint transnational call "Pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches (PGxPM2025)" in mid-December 2024.
The aim of the call is to:
- support human health research projects that address pharmacogenomic strategies for the development of personalised medicine and include one or more of the following aspects:
- Identification of novel pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)omic data in relation to individual drugs or combinations of drugs;
- validation of pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)omic data to predict the effects of individual drugs or combinations of drugs;
- the use of pharmacogenomic strategies to determine optimal dosing, treatment efficacy and/or risk of adverse effects or treatment ineffectiveness, with a view to tailoring treatment regimens, including combination therapy (multimedication).
- Encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, including the involvement of a wide range of relevant disciplines, such as multidisciplinary research by involving a range of other relevant disciplines such as pre-clinical and clinical research.
- Promote cross-sectoral collaboration involving the private sector, regulators and patient organisations.
- Introduce participatory research, i.e. active involvement of patients or the public in research projects.
Research projects in all disease areas will be welcomed.
The Ministry of Health / Agency for Health Research ČR will participate in this call!
The national rules and conditions for Czech applicants are currently being prepared and will be based on the Programme for the Support of Applied Health Research 2024-2030: Sub-programme 3: European Partnerships in Health, and will be published on the website AZV ČR by the time of the call announcement. We recommend keeping an eye on the website AZV ČR as well as the official call website here.
The MoHCR will support Czech applicants through the national budget allocation. The total amount for the call will be EUR 500 000.
Only transnational projects will be funded. The call will be a two-round call.
Provisional timetable of the call:
- Mid-December 2024: Call launch
- 9 January 2024: Information day for potential applicants
- 18 February 2025 (14.00 CET): Deadline for submission of pre-prosposals
- Approximately 16 May 2025: Communication of the results of the pre-proposals and the call for full proposals
- 17 June 2025 (14.00 CET): Deadline for submission of full proposals
- Mid/late August 2025: Rebuttal stage
- October 2025: announcement of the funding decision
- End 2025/beginning 2026: Expected start of projects (subject to national/regional conditions)
More information on the objectives of the call, the themes, the countries that have expressed interest in participating in the call; the national contact points as well as other specific conditions are available on the official PerMed EP website and in the background document for the call, which can be downloaded here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the European Partnerships in Healthcare Coordinator: