Publication of the second transnational call of the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (PerMed): 'Pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches (PGxPM2025)

On 17 December 2024, the Ministry of Health (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Health") publishes, in accordance with Act No. 130/2002 Coll., on support for research, experimental development and innovation from public funds and on amendments to certain related acts (Act on support for research, experimental development and innovation), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"),

the second transnational call of PerMed (European Partnership for Personalised Medicine): 'Pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches (PGxPM2025)

Call 2025

Deadline for announcement of results
October 2025

National budget allocation for the call
500 000 EUR

Maximum amount of support per project
250 000 EUR

Maximum aid intensity per project
Table 8: Maximum possible aid intensity by type of entity and type of research (Methodology: European Health Partnerships, p. 66)

research organisation, enterprise

Project duration
3years / 36 months

Deadlines for submission of project proposals:
Pre-proposals: 18 February 2025, 14:00 CET
Full proposals: 17 June 2025, 14:00 CEST

Interested parties are invited to attend the International Information Webinar on January 9, 2025 from 13:00 - 14:30 (CET). Registration is mandatory. The form to complete is available at this link: REGISTRATION


Terms and conditions for Czech bidder's participation in PerMed Call 2025

Methodology: European Partnerships for Health

Sub-programme 3: European Partnerships in Health - effective from 22.5.2024

Checklist PerMed Call 2025

Mandatory attachments of the Czech applicant for Phase 1 (pre-proposals)

Affidavit of the applicant - Sworn statement of the applicant

Affidavit of the composition of the consortium

AZV ČR Application Form_PerMed Call 2025

Mandatory annexes of the Czech applicant for Phase 2 (full proposals)

Documents on professional competence according to the nature of the project;

Updated budget table (AZV ČR Application Form)

Other documents

Commission Regulation

Frascati manual

Definition of types of results

Support contract_PerMed Call 2025

The official call documents are available here

Information about the call

The second transnational call of PerMed (European Partnership for Personalised Medicine): 'Pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches (PGxPM2025)' aims to:

  1. support human health research projects that address pharmacogenomic strategies for the development of personalised medicine and include one or more of the following aspects: 
  • identification of new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)omic data in relation to individual drugs or combinations of drugs;
  • validation of pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)omic data to predict the effects of individual drugs or combinations of drugs;
  • the use of pharmacogenomic strategies to determine the correct dosage, treatment efficacy and/or risk of adverse drug reactions or treatment ineffectiveness. The aim is to tailor treatment to the individual, including situations where multiple drugs need to be used simultaneously (multimodality).

Research projects in all fields will be welcomed. 

Projects focusing only on drug-drug interactions and on the clinical development of new drugs are not within the scope of the call.

Size of the project consortium

Each consortium must include at least 3 partners from 3 different EU Member States or associated countries whose funding organisations are participating in the call. Each of these partners must be eligible and apply for funding from the relevant funding organisation. All 3 legal entities must be independent of each other. A maximum of 2 eligible partners from the same country are allowed per consortium . The project coordinator must be eligible for funding by its regional/national funding organisation participating in the call. The project coordinator may not be changed between the first and second phase. A maximum of 1 self-funding partner is allowed in a consortium , with at least 3 partners eligible for funding. Patient organisations may be added as an additional partner if they secure their own funding or apply for PerMed EP funding or apply for national funding, if the conditions of the respective funding organisation allow it.

Only transnational projects will be funded.

List of participating countries:

Austria (FWF), Belgium (FNRS, FWO), Czech Republic (MZČR/AZVČR), Denmark (IFD), Estonia (MoSAE, ETAG), Finland (BFRK), France (ANR), Germany (DLR, SMWK), Greece (GRSI), Hungary (NKFIH), Iceland (RANNIS), Ireland (TE-RI), Israel (CSO-MOH), Italy (IT-MoH, FRRB, RT), Latvia (LZP), Lithuania (LMT), Luxembourg (FNR), Norway (RCN), Poland (NCBR), Portugal (FCT, VP-GRA, CCDRC), South Africa (SAMRC), Spain (ISCIII, CSCJA, DS-CAT, CFN), Sweden (VINNOVA), Turkey (TUBITAK).

*The list of participating countries is current as of 16 December 2024.

Call rules:

The call is governed by transnational rules common to applicants from all participating countries. In addition to the transnational rules, Czech applicants must also comply with the national conditions set by the relevant national provider. Applicants participating in applied research projects will therefore have to comply with national conditions based on Sub-programme 3: European Partnerships in Health.

Contact person:

Mgr. Monika Kocmanová

+ 420 778 973 186

You can also submit questions about the transnational call via email: .