What is the final version of the project proposal and how is it delivered?
The final version of the project is the project proposal generated by the application(https://ereg.ksrzis.cz/) as a PDF file without attachments (e.g. it is not a "test print" or a scan of the proposal). The final version of the proposal in PDF format can only be created if all mandatory fields are filled in and all mandatory attachments are included. Only the complete project proposal can be submitted in the framework of the call for proposals and it will not be modified in any way once generated (e.g. do not use the "Save as..." function for renaming).
Changing the project proposal and subsequently not finalising it or sending it through ISDS is a reason for its exclusion from the tender.
The Provider considers as a project proposal only such a proposal that is created by the application and sent via a data message with the title (subject) "AZV - NW2X-0X-00XXX" or "AZV - NW2XJ-0X-00XXX" to the data box of the Agency for Medical Research of the Czech Republic with the identifier "f7eike4".
The Provider explicitly points out that for the reasons of using the application, project proposals must be sent to the data box of the Agency for Health Research of the Czech Republic. Project proposals sent to the data box of the provider, i.e. the Ministry of Health, will not be accepted for the competition. An electronic seal (signature) will be created for the project proposal once it is finalised, so that it cannot be modified in any way. Any project proposal with an altered signature will be excluded from the call for proposals.
Only those attachments that are specified in the tender documentation and required for the project will be attached to the project proposal in the application. Attachments must be uploaded to the application in PDF format. Only the project proposal generated by the application, without attachments, shall be delivered by data mail as a PDF file containing the project proposal generated by the application. The message size limit is 10 MB.