How to generate PDF files?
Once the form is completely filled out, we recommend using the "Check" button, if no errors are found (validation check), press the "Finalize and Submit" button. After pressing the "Finalize and Submit" button, a pdf file with the project proposal will be generated on the project version, which can be downloaded via the "Download PDF" button. This is subsequently sent unchanged in a data message with the title (subject) "AZV - NU2X-0X-00XXX" or "AZV - NU2XJ-0X-00XXX" (it is not necessary to rename the attachment, in case of renaming use the "explorer" and the function "Rename" (e.g. it is not possible to use the function "Save as...") to the data box of the Agency for Medical Research of the Czech Republic with the identifier " f7eike4".