How is the co/proposer's time calculated?

The amount of time must correspond to the objectives, role in the project, results and evaluation of the person. Zero hours are not allowed. The Provider sets the minimum amount of full-time employment per project per employer for the proposer at 0,2 and for the co-proposer at 0,2 (VES 2021-2024) and 0,1 (from VES 2025) respectively. For the purposes of the project proposal, the sum of all the person's full-time employment covered by the Provider's earmarked support cannot exceed the threshold of 100 %, i.e. 1,00. In the event of multiple projects being accepted, a reduction in the project's FTEs to the maximum sum of all FTEs of 1.00 is subsequently necessary.


  1. Option: the proposer has a running project where he has 50% time commitment. It is possible to submit several project proposals (in different roles of proposer, team member), where he will have 80% time commitment in each, however, in case of acceptance of several projects, it is necessary to reduce the time commitment on the projects to a maximum of the sum of all time commitments of 100%! In this case, an explanation must be provided in the project proposal as to how all projects will be dealt with simultaneously at the appropriate scientific level without adversely affecting the progress and output of the individual projects.
  2. Option: the proponent has no running project. In this case, again, if more than one project is accepted and the total time commitment is more than 100 %, the proposals for such projects must again explain how they will be able to ensure that they are dealt with without adversely affecting their quality. In both cases, the volume of FTEs and their efficiency are part of a comprehensive evaluation.