Dear Beneficiaries, we would like to remind you that according to Act 130/2002 Coll., § 9, paragraph 8 (also enshrined in all procurement documents), the beneficiary is obliged to inform the provider (in this case AZV ČR ) in writing of any changes that have occurred during the project implementation which could have any effect on the project implementation or which in any way affect its legal personality or the data required to prove its eligibility, no later than 7 calendar days from the date on which it became aware of such a fact.
We understand that it may take longer to process a change request, so please notify the change sooner, by letter from the statutory representative or delegated person, preferably by data message, with a short description of the change (e.g. a new co-director/co-supervisor etc. need not be identified). Please also note that in the form "Request for approval of a change to a MoH project", the box "Date on which the need for a change to the project was identified" must be completed in accordance with the above, i.e. within 7 calendar days or the beneficiary's prior information letter.
In case of a change in the project, it is necessary to follow the annex to the tender documentation called CONDITIONS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT.
In the course of the project, changes can be made in comparison to the originally approved project proposal only in the following cases:
- change of eligible costs or change of the amount of the special purpose support provided;
- change of another participant, investigator or co-investigator of the project;
- change of the duration of the project (extension), but without entitlement to further special purpose support.
Changing the objective, the subject of the project and the beneficiary is not allowed.
A request for a change in the project design shall be submitted on the attached form.
If the provider agrees with the beneficiary's request, it shall conclude with the beneficiary an amendment to the contract on the provision of the special-purpose aid or decide on a change to the decision on the provision of the special-purpose aid within 60 calendar days of the date on which it received the request. If the provider rejects the beneficiary's application, it shall notify the beneficiary in writing within 30 calendar days of the date of assessment of the application; no decision on the application shall be issued.
The form "Request for approval of a change to the MZ project" is sent by the beneficiary via the data mailbox to AZV.