What changes can and cannot I make to the project design and when do I need to request approval for a change?

Without a request for approval of the change, but after proper justification in the partial or final report, it can be implemented (no contract amendment or new decision is needed):

  • transfers within other operating costs or personnel costs,
  • transfer between other operating costs x personnel costs up to the limit of '100 000. CZK/year/project",
  • a change in the research team (except for the person of the investigator, co-investigator see below),
  • increase in the time of the researcher or co-investigator,
  • Changes according to generally binding legal regulations concerning personnel costs in the project (e.g. changes in salary tariffs, changes in the compulsory allocation to the FKSP, etc.), however, it is necessary to send the information to the data box, a change without approval can only be implemented/reported in the year when the legislative change occurred (it is also possible for futuro).

Changes for which approval must be requested via the "Request for Project Change Approval" form(EN) (once the change is approved, an amendment to the contract or a new decision will be made):

  • change in recognised costs, including increases from other sources, change in the amount of special-purpose support granted (transfer of special-purpose support from year to year or reduction), change in the cost structure (i.e. transfer between the items other operating x personnel costs above the limit of "100 thousand EUR"), change in the cost structure (i.e. CZK/year/project'),
  • change of the person responsible for the research,
  • change of co-researcher,
  • Reduction of the amount of time of the researcher or co-investigator,
  • change of another participant (co-recipient),
  • significant methodological changes,
  • reallocation of personal costs intended for students,
  • change in the duration of the project (extension), but without entitlement to further earmarked support,
  • change of beneficiary from VES 2025.

Request for approval of a project modification form (EN) is sent by the beneficiary via the data box AZV ČR .

Substantial changes must be notified no later than 7 calendar days from the date on which the beneficiary becomes aware of such a change. As it may take longer to process a change request, please notify the change earlier by letter, preferably by data message, with a short description of the change (e.g. a new co-/co-manager, etc., may not be specified).

Any changes or transfers should be efficient, cost-effective, effective and supported by the approved project activities and be in accordance with generally applicable rules.

The amount of eligible costs and the related amount of support granted for the project for the entire duration of the project may not be changed during the course of the project by more than 50 % of the amount of eligible costs or the amount of public support specified in the grant agreement or the decision on the budget increase.

Changes that are not allowed and cannot be requested:

  • change of the main objective,
  • change in the subject of the project,
  • Change of beneficiary (VES 2020 - VES 2024),
  • increase in additional (overhead) costs,
  • transfer to or from capital expenditure.