Is the outline of the mandatory Annex C1 - justification of the project proposal, the so-called "project description" (i.e. the technical part of the project in AJ) binding?
Is the outline of the "project description" (i.e. the technical part of the project as per the TD) binding?
- introduction - summary of the current state of knowledge of the scientific issues in the given field of science;
- project objective - statement of the nature of the project, its goals, the method of solution, timetable and stages of solution;
- justification of the necessity and need to address a specific issue at a given time (i.e. the timeliness of the solution);
- Methodology - description of the proposed conceptual and methodological procedures necessary for the solution of the project and for achieving the expected result and their analysis;
- timetable - a clearly formulated schedule of planned work and its distribution among the individual members of the research team or co-investigator team in the individual years of the solution. Method of data acquisition, data analysis and proposal for statistical processing;
- expected results - characteristics of the expected results of the project in the categories defined for applied research in accordance with the valid Methodology evaluation results, approved by the Government of the Czech Republic (the expected total number of results to be achieved within the project is also given in section C2);
- cooperation - please indicate if the project is subject to cooperation of several entities and how it is implemented. In the case of foreign cooperation, a signed letter of support or letter of intent on the letterhead of the proposer's cooperating entity with foreign scientific institutions must be provided;
- information - data on the readiness of the proponent, co-proposers and their departments, on the instrumentation of the departments to be used in the solution, on the possibility of cooperation;
- Justification of the participation of all co-proposers and listed collaborators, definition of their contribution to the problem and specification of their role in achieving the expected results;
- references to the literature.