Can I submit any number of projects to VES?

No, the same individual can only act as proposer and co-proposer for one project proposal and one project proposal respectively in this call for proposals (the call for proposals covers both sub-programmes).

  1. Example: I submit a project under Sub-programme 1 as proposer and Sub-programme 2 as co-proposer,
  2. Example: I submit two projects in Subprogramme 1 in the first project as proposer and in the second project as co-proposer, etc.

The role of a team member or other project participant is not limited by the number of projects.

For the co/proposer (co-investigator/co-director), the minimum time commitment of 0.2 must be respected; for all persons, the total time commitment must not exceed 1.00 or the maximum amount of the extraordinary remuneration of CZK 100,000. 100 CZK/year for all projects. For the projects under consideration (VES 2016 - VES 2020), the time of an expert collaborator was also limited to a minimum of 0.1.