When submitting project proposals, do you take into account career breaks due to maternity leave, parental leave, etc.?
For Subprogramme 2 (Support for the Development of Junior Researchers - Junior Projects), the time during which the proposer has been on maternity or parental leave, has suffered a long-term illness or has interrupted his/her scientific career for similar objective reasons may be deducted from the time limit of 8 years from the award of the academic degree of Ph.D. or its equivalent. These facts (award of the degree, parental leave, etc.) must be documented by the applicant by means of an affidavit only.
For evaluation project proposal under the "standard" section (Subprogramme 1), it is advisable to indicate this in the attached CV.
Career breaks due to maternity and parental leave, long-term illness or long-term care for a family member or loved one are taken into account when evaluation designing a project.