We would like to briefly inform you about the ToRs and the completion of most of the VES 2015 projects, before the release of the actual guidelines for completing the ToRs (at the beginning of November).

In the contract for special-purpose support, the deadline for the submission of the ToR is always 31 January of the year in question; for objective reasons, it is possible to request a postponement of the submission of the ToR - however, the postponement will be allowed for approximately one month up to a maximum of two months. It will be necessary to "hand in" at least the report in progress (as of 31.1.) with the request for deferral. Subsequently, within a maximum of 2 months, it will be necessary to finalise and submit the ToR (the detailed procedure will be specified in the guidelines).

According to the Act 130/2020 Coll. (on research support....), the period required for the evaluation of the results of the project is set to 180 days from the date of completion of the project (31 December). Within this period, it is possible, for example, to add results to the completed project that have not been applied until the proper completion of the project (or submission of the ToR).

Alternatively, a change can be requested and the project can be extended by e.g. one year, but without eligibility for earmarked support, but no later than 60 calendar days before the end of the calendar year.

Please also note that in the Tender documentation of the 1st public tender in research, experimental development and innovation of the Programme for the support of medical applied research and development for the years 2015 - 2022, the deadline of 577 days for the extension of the deadline evaluation of the final report is incorrectly stated, for applied research the above mentioned 180 days apply.