Archives FAQs

How should I proceed in the event of a change in generally binding legislation, for example, when the mandatory allocation to the FKSP is increased? Can such an increase in personnel costs be covered by other funds allocated under the project?

Yes, in case of changes in generally binding legal regulations concerning personnel costs in the project (e.g. changes in salary tariffs, changes in the compulsory allocation to FKSP, etc.) and their impact on economic indicators, it is possible to make transfers between individual items (from other operating...

How is the co/proposer's time calculated?

Výše úvazku musí odpovídat cílům, roli v projektu, výsledkům a ohodnocení dané osoby. Nulová výše úvazku se nepřipouští. Poskytovatel stanovuje minimální výši úvazku na jednom projektu u jednoho zaměstnavatele pro navrhovatele ve výši 0,2 a spolunavrhovatele ve výší 0,2 (VES…

What is the amount of overhead costs?

Eligible costs may include ancillary (overhead) costs incurred in the direct time and material context of the project (e.g. administrative costs, support staff and infrastructure costs). The maximum amount of such costs is 20 % of the total eligible costs of the project...